So if you’ve read my first post on Thermage HERE, you’ll know I’m a huge fan of this non-invasive “face lift” with zero down time. I know many of you reading this are very young and might not need this treatment now, but knowledge is always good! Please share this with your older friends/relatives/colleagues if you find it informative. :)
Taken off my first post: Thermage works using a handpiece with a smooth, flat tip that delivers Thermage’s unique radio-frequency (RF) technology. It safely heats the deep, collagen rich layers of your skin. The heat helps tighten existing collagen and stimulate the formation of new collagen over time, which reduces sagging, renews contours, and improves the smoothness and texture of the skin’s surface.
I didn’t take a video this time so I’ll embed the previous one to refresh your memory!
Just FYI, even though I got both treatments done at IDS Clinic, they’re not the sponsor. Solta, the company that manufactures Thermage, approached me to do an educational post on Real vs Fake Thermage, so as to prevent the public from unwittingly getting fake treatments, and very generously allowed me to do a 2nd follow-up treatment! IDS Clinic kindly loaned me their existing machine and the ever sweet Dr B gave me an hour of her time to administer the treatment. So BIG thank you to Solta, IDS and Dr B!!!
Okay back to my post. My first post focussed on how the treatment is like and the results I experienced, so in this one, I’d like to share on the more technical aspects of Thermage…
For whatever procedure you do, especially to your face and when it costs 4 digits, I think it’s very important to be educated on what you’re getting yourself into. I’ve been hearing of “clinics” with fake Thermage machines and some unethical doctors charging significantly cheaper because they only give 450 instead of the usual 900 reps that I got from my tip from Solta.
While I know everybody loves a good deal, please please PLEASE make sure you’re getting bang for your buck! No point paying 75% of the market rate when you’re only getting half the number of reps and results! Check very carefully with your doctors.
Solta supplies the Thermage tips and machines to clinics in Singapore, as these are considered to be medical devices under HSA(Health Science Authority). So if you ever come across beauty salons offering Thermage, you’ll know it’s bulls**t. Either the machine is fake, or the therapist is untrained and uncertified by the official Thermage trainers.
This is what a REAL Thermage machine looks like:
^Official pic from Thermage. Not my pic.
The handheld device where they place the tip on.
My treatment room in IDS. So clean and purple– my fave colour!
Close-ups of the real Thermage machine.
A FAKE Thermage machine might or might not look like this:
Fake Thermage comes in many forms, most commonly seen in machines and some in the form of some skin care product(real Thermage has no cream or anything to take home, everything is done in the clinic). In this example, the image is totally different from the real ones and this model X-013 doesn’t even exist! The write-up can also be deceiving! This one here just copied the advantages of Thermage and added in a few more benefits to entice the readers. Zzzzz. Sounds like real right??
The worst part is, there are unscrupulous people who copied the machine so closely even I can’t tell them apart! Probably only the doctors/therapists who know the interface of the real machines will know. So horrible.
Please do not think that it’s just money wasted if you encounter a fake machine. Thermage uses radio-frequency technology that uses HEAT to safely tighten collagen layers. IF you have the misfortune of getting “Thermage” done by an uncertified user with fake devices, you risk BLISTERING and SCARRING. Imagine the fake tip burning you omg.
Also, on the pain factor, Thermage is uncomfortable to say the least. What for go through the pain and discomfort and don’t get real results as compared to the legit treatment??
I don’t mean to scare you. But I’d rather you not do Thermage at all if you’re going to go for an unsafe option.
But if this is something you wish to consider, here are some helpful points to ensure your Thermage procedure is authentic and legitimate:
1. Look at the clinic’s Thermage Machine & Tip. These devices should be EXACTLY like the pics I showed above. If the clinic has nothing to hide, they should be alright with you taking a look or even pictures of the equipment, which you can then confirm with Solta.
2. Ask the front counter and doctors questions such as these:
• Where did you get the machines from?
Answer: Solta (The manufacturer of Thermage)
• What is Thermage?
Answer: Thermage is a safe, non-invasive procedure that’s clinically proven to help smooth, tighten and contour skin for an overall younger looking appearance with little to no down time. It is suitable for all skin colours, on and off the face and all in a single procedure.
• Which Generation of Thermage are you using?
Answer: There are still clinics who are using the first 2 generations. They are called NXT & TC3 respectively. However the current generation is the 3rd Generation ‘Thermage CPT ‘Comfort Pulse Technology’’.
• What is the technology and energy behind this?
Answer: Monopolar Radiofrequency. Monopolar Radiofrequency allows for deeper penetration while others are for shallow heating.
• What are the features of Thermage CPT?
Answer: Cooling pulses, vibration feature
• How many Reps for Face treatment?
Answer: A typical treatment will be 900 Reps for the face and 1200 for Face & Neck. For some patients with thinner skin, they might be given lesser Reps depending on doctor’s observation and advice. Doctors will discuss with patients with regards to this. (This point is very important. If your doctor only gives 450 Reps, it’s not enough to make a significant difference in results. So please confirm the number before you proceed.)
• Is the Thermage Tip re-usable?
Answer: No. Only for 1 patient each.
Hope this post has been helpful and insightful!
How I look immediately after the treatment. Yay to no down time and YAY to glowy face even with zero makeup on. :)
Before and After pic, even though Thermage takes several weeks to months for full results to show. Lifted cheeks, lifted eyelids, a more contoured jawline, and overall tautness of skin.
For those who are curious, my favourite clinic is offering Thermage for $3,500! $3,500 for 900 shots is like one of the most affordable in Singapore. And this isn’t inclusive of the other perks they have during different times of the year. :)
#thermage #sp #idsclinic